
Advancing in Casa di Cavalieri

Advancement in Casa is in the hands of the player. Simply find your rank below and read the requirements. If the requirements are just activity or time based, Leadership will automatically move you to your new rank at the end of the month. If stated, PM the Casa Leadership Account with any requirements you have completed.

Advancement Threads do NOT need to be archived before submission.
Any thread made post-joining is acceptable for any required threads for advancement UNLESS your character has been aNPCed for over 3 months. If your character has been aNPCed for over 3 months then all submitted promotion threads must take place after pick up.
A thread for a rank requirement is considered complete when you reach 3 posts or 900 words, whichever comes first, focusing on the action (training or the skill needed for a Co-rank).

Rank Checks

Casa di Cavalieri's leadership perform activity checks at the end of the month to base advancement off of where activity numbers apply. Rank changes only occur at the end of the month or within the first few days of the new month. If your desired rank requires a PM be sent in with requirements (ex. training thread or Co-rank threads), please PM a rank request to the Casa di Cavalieri account anytime during the month. If a request is required but is not received at least five days before the end of the month, it is not guaranteed that your application will be reviewed in time for the end of month rank check. Promotion requests that are not submitted on time may result in delayed promotion by a month.

Promotion and Demotion by Rank


Promotion out of the Dishonorable rank requires:

  1. If previous rank was Officer or below: up to 3 months of excellent behavior and active helpfulness around the pack

  2. If previous rank was Brotherhood or above: up to 6 months of excellent behavior and active helpfulness around the pack

Demotion: Not possible, this is the lowest rank

Junior Cadets

Promotion out of the Junior Cadet ranks into Cadet ranks requires:

  1. Successful performance in the First Blood Ceremony

Demotion: Not possible


Promotion out of the Recruit ranks to Second Cadet requires:

  1. 2 months of consecutive membership in the pack

Demotion from Recruit: Only demotion to Dishonorable possible


Promotion from Second Cadet to First Cadet:

  1. 5+ posts a month

Promotion from First Cadet to Second Officer:

  1. Earn a Co-rank

  2. Complete 1 training thread (3 posts or 900 words+, whichever comes first)

  3. 5+ posts a month

  4. PM leadership all required threads in a Promotion Request

Demotion from First Cadet to Second Cadet: Less than 3 posts a month for 2 months

Demotion from Second Cadet: Only demotion to Dishonorable possible


Promotion from Second Officer to First Officer:

  1. 8+ posts a month + 1 training thread (I.E. A thread where your character is fighting in some manner: in a ring, defending the border, or a fight in neutral territory).

  2. PM leadership all required threads in a Promotion Request

Promotion from First Officer into the Brotherhood ranks requires:

  1. 8+ posts a month + Brotherhood Requirements

  2. Completion of all requirements for joining The Brotherhood :
    • 1 thread with each leader (3 posts or 900 words, whichever comes first)

    • Complete 2 challenges related to desired Brotherhood rank (900 words minimum, must be from after becoming an Officer)

    • Be a member of Casa for 1 year (Counting from initial pick up date, approved aNPC status does not effect)

    PM leadership all required threads in a Promotion Request - await Oath/Self-Reflection dates

Demotion from First Officer to Second Officer: Less than 5 posts for 2 months

Demotion from Second Officer to First Cadet: Less than 5 posts for 2 months

***Note: If demoted into Cadet ranks: You must PM the Leadership stating that your character was in the Officer ranks previously and asking to be promoted again when you reach proper activity requirements. We will NOT keep track of characters who were previously Officers. If you were NPCed for 3+ months you will have to re-submit a new training thread as well.


Promotion out of Sworn rank to Valiant rank requires:

  1. 1 training thread

  2. 10+ posts a month for 2 months

  3. PM leadership all required threads in a Promotion Request

Demotion From Brotherhood: Only demotion to Dishonorable possible


Promotion out of Valiant rank to Lionheart rank requires:

  1. 1 training thread

  2. 10+ posts a month for 2 months

  3. PM leadership all required threads in a Promotion Request

Demotion from Valiant: Less than 7 posts for 2 months


Promotion out of Lionheart rank to a Council rank requires:

  1. Inform Leadership of Council Rank Interest

  2. ALL threads related to your desired Council rank, including a minimum of 3 started after earning a Brotherhood rank (3 posts or 900 words, whichever comes first, per thread)

  3. 10+ posts for 2 months

  4. 1 year and 6 months of membership in Casa

  5. PM leadership all required threads in a Promotion Request

***Note: After promotion to Council, you will have one year to earn an Ambassadorship. Exceptions may be sought through Leadership.

Promotion is up to leader discretion. Reasons for not being approved include, but not limited to; membership time and activity, dependability IC and OOC, compatibility for the position etc.

Demotion from Lionheart: Less than 7 posts for 3 months

Council Rank Interest

Upon reaching Brotherhood ranks, players are encouraged to PM the Leadership which Council rank they are working towards, if they plan on working towards one at all. If multiple Brotherhood members are working towards the same rank, that position will be frozen at Leadership's discretion and competing members will be informed, allowing sufficient time for them to work on their activity and related threads. The rank will be granted to the member that the leadership chooses to have the better combination of activity, quality threads, and consistent development proving their character is suited to the desired rank.

Members who do not submit a Council Rank Interest PM will be assumed uninterested in any Council ranks.


Promotion out of the Council into Leadership requires:

Up to Casa Leadership and 'Souls Assemblage's discretion. Reasons include, but not limited to; IC or OOC plot, continuous membership and activity, dependability IC and OOC, compatibility as partner to current Leadership IC or OOCly, etc.

Demotion: Leader discretion

If Players have extenuating circumstances, please PM Leadership ASAP. We are willing to evaluate on an individual basis.

Honored Elder

To have your character moved to Honored Elder they must:

  1. Be 5 years or older and permanently injured (physically or mentally) in a way that affects their ability to fight or perform labor tasks.
  2. OR

  3. Be 10 years of age to automatically be moved to the rank.

Promotion and Demotion is not applicable.

NPC Advancement

NPC characters can work their way through our ranks just like your own character! In order to get your NPC promoted, they must complete all promotion requirements. For example, they must be featured in 5 or more posts in a month to move from First Cadet to Second Cadet, and, to earn a Co-rank, they must be heavily featured in the completion of 2 challenges.

For threads to count for an NPC promotion, the NPC earning the promotion must be heavily featured in all posts, not just referenced. You may choose to write half your post from that character's point of view. If your posts are found not to feature your NPC enough, Leadership will request additional posts to be made in order to meet the requirement.

Leadership will only automatically promote NPCs out of the Recruit Rank (i.e. after 2 months of membership). Otherwise, all other NPC promotions MUST be requested via PMing the Casa Account, including links to all requirements. Please be sure to include direct links to all requirements. This means you should link the character's required posts for activity-based promotion as well.

yNPCs may NOT be ranked up in this manner; they must be adopted out and ranked up accordingly. pNPCs will be promoted at the discretion of Leadership over time.

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