

Thank you for your interest in joining Casa di Cavalieri! We hope that this website has given you all the information that you need about the pack. This page will lay out exactly how to join. In Casa, we pride ourselves in being a friendly and welcoming group, so, if you have any questions, please PM a leader and they will be more than happy to help you.

Recommended Reading

Before joining the pack, please familiarize yourself with the following:

Casa di Cavalieri Website

Every pack has its own website outlining their own unique rules and culture, and this website is the primary source for all information Cavaleri. It is your guidebook for how to advance through the pack, get involved with the culture, and follow the pack specific rules.

The Quick and Dirty Guide to 'Souls

The Quick and Dirty Guide should be read before you join 'Souls. It outlines all of the important reads relative to role playing on the site, as well as some helpful tips.

Casa di Cavalieri Wiki

The Casa Wiki contains the history of the pack, as well as our current relationships with other packs. Many other player-editable pages are available that you will need to use in the future; such as which rooms/houses all the current members live in and a list of all of Casa's current livestock.

How to Join

  1. Join Souls by submitting your joining application here.

  2. Out of Character Joining: Choose OOC joining on your application to join without roleplaying it out. Wait for Casa di Cavalieri's leadership to review your request. If you are accepted, an acceptance message will be posted to your 'Souls Application, and you will be ranked as a Recruit. By opting out of roleplaying your joining, you can jump right into the pack as a new member without the wait!

  3. In Character Joining: After being accepting onto the site, simply post a joining thread on the pack borders calling for a member to greet you. This is a great way to establish, through writing, why and how your character joined the pack, however, may take a few days to do so.
Joining with an Adoptable will automatically give your character relationships within the pack.

Acceptance and Rejection

A character's acceptance or rejection from Casa is based almost entirely on the character's personality, skills, and mannerisms. If you are hoping to be accepted, your character is expected to show respect to the greeter through a submissive posture and polite speech. Characters with few or no skills will generally be accepted as long as they adhere to polite mannerisms.

After Acceptance

  1. Post in the Thread Requests to find some roleplay partners.

  2. Post an All Welcome thread in the Casa forum if you are looking for a fast start into the roleplay experience and are open to roleplaying with any member of the pack.

  3. Register any animal companions here and select a room here.

  4. Check out our Advancement Page to find out how to advance in rank within the pack.
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